Thursday, June 7, 2007

It's Thursday Night.

It's still Thursday evening, the kids are excited, the dogs are at the kennel, and I just got done mowing the lawn. It wasn't a good day at work, so I'm looking forward to the trip even more as an escape. Probably an hour into the flight, I'll forget about what happened this week and it won't matter. For those of you tuning in from work, it wasn't you, so just chill.

I'm printing out the boarding passes now. That's cool that you can do that. We're flying on Frontier airlines, and I just got our flight number and gate information. We'll even be flying on Andy (a pronghorn antelope) the Airbus 319. Each plane is different, but I thought the grizzly bear would have been better than a pronghorn antelope, but I guess it's better than Erma the ermine (mink rodent thing)

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